May 29, 2006

Home from camp

I’ve gone camping every Memorial Day weekend for my entire life. And I know from experience not to expect good weather. Often the end of May we get a cold, grey weekend with constant rain. I’ve spent many Memorial Day weekends huddled inside a tent, trying to keep warm and dry.

But once every seven years or so, we get a gorgeous Memorial Day weekend with sunny summer weather. This year was one of those. We all went swimming repeatedly, even though the deep river water was still icy cold. We went canoeing and sailing. We played bocce and frisbee and ZAP and sat by the campfire at night. We’ve returned tanned and tired, but finally – it feels like summer. And that’s a good feeling.



Anonymous said...

sounds glorious. what a wonderful tradition.

Yankee, Transferred said...

Oh it sounds so great. Summer kickoff!

skookumchick said...

Wow, sounds FABULOUS. And where did you find such a great camping spot? Did you go swimming off the pier? How were the bugs? They're getting pretty phenomenal where I am already...

jo(e) said...

skookumchick: The camping spot is owned by my parents -- they own a peninsula of land in a marsh on the river, and everyone in the extended family just brings tents and camps there. The sailboat you see in the photo was designed and built by my Dad, and the canoes are mine. We take the boats and go out to islands on the river when we want to swim.

I guess I should have said that I have camped in the exact same place every Memorial Day weekend since 1968 ....

We are pretty far north so the mosquitoes haven't hatched yet. They are usually pretty bad July 4th week -- but only at night.

Sarah Sometimes said...

that picture is just filled with light

BeachMama said...

Glad you had an awesome weekend. Our long weekend here was full of rain and cold. Thankfully I was in an entirely different province and we had a glorious weekend there. Your photo looks like one straight from the guide books. Glad you had a great weekend, here's hoping for many more this summer :)

zelda1 said...

Our memorial day was nice too. There was a little rain later in the day, but the cloudy skies broke the heat from the 95 degree weather that we were getting down in the valley. Glad you had a good time.

RageyOne said...

Sounds like you all had a great weekend! The canoes look as if they are listing to the side because they are tired.

sheepish said...

Looks lovely.

The only thing the picture is lacking is some boy sitting on the dock to play Dawson to your jo(e)y. Errr, did I just tar myself with that cultural(?) reference?

Mona Buonanotte said...

What a beautiful picture! Do you catch many fish in that water? My childhood summers were filled with fish-catching in a lake not much bigger than yours...bluegill and perch, bass, sunfish. Boy-child's gonna learn to bait a hook this summer!

jo(e) said...

Mona: What you are seeing in the photo is a bay on the Saint Lawrence River. I don't fish much myself, but other people do. They catch panfish like perch and sunfish, and bigger stuff like bass and pike. It's actually an area pretty well known for good fishing. When my Dad and I go sailing in the early morning, we always pass fishing boats at the mouth of the bay.

Often the men in the family will buy bait and beer, announce they are going fishing, and head out to the river for a couple of hours. The funny thing is that they NEVER come back with fish. They always claim that they caught stuff and threw it back. My theory is that they use fishing just as an excuse to go hang out together ...

I fished sometimes off that dock when I was a kid, but I always hated trying to get the hook out of the fish's mouth. I always felt sorry for the fish as it squirmed around, and I was really bad at getting the hook out.

Andromeda Jazmon said...

I fished a lot as a kid, and we used to be facinated with the contents of the caught fishes' stomachs. What they ate, then we ate them...

I never liked putting worms on hooks but had to learn when my son was starting to fish. I couldn't let him and my brother see me squeamish...

Now I think I am ready to say I give up fishing. It seems too cruel. I've come that far...