Conversation with my daughter as we sit lazily on the couch with our laptops.
Me: Do you like this photo?
Daughter: Yeah. You gonna put it on your blog?
Me: I guess. I need to write something to go with it.
Daughter: Who's that guy in the horror movie?
Me: Horror movie?
Daughter: Yeah, the guy with the chainsaw.
Daughter: Here, I'll google it.
Me: You want me to compare my father to some murderer?
Daughter: Maybe not.
Daughter: You should write something funny,
Me: But I'm not funny.
Daughter: That's true.
Me: Other people say funny stuff, and I write it down.
Daughter: You could talk about how you get your fashion sense from your father.
Me: What?
Daughter: That would be funny.
I take it you and your father are both fond of plaid? *smile*
I can see how your daughter takes after you... *smile, again*
okay, we've got two plaids going on here but they are both in the blue family, so technically...it's a bit fashion forward.
*lol* Very funny.
"Oh I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK..." Sorry, I couldn't help it.
And she'd be right. That is pretty funny. ;-)w
Terrific kid.
Now that it funny.
I'd eavesdrop but the chain saw is too loud!
Too funny!
love the photo and the story!
i'm guessing dad's fashion statement is, "it's spring, dammit! even if it is 40 degrees!" am i close?
*stage whispers oh so gently*
Daughter: Whose that guy in the horror movie?
= who's (who is)
(i know that's ridiculously cheeky from moi who avoids capital letters...)
i love the earmuffs!!! but i think you'd suit heart-shaped ones.
Student #1: "Who's that laughing out loud in the library?"
Student #2: "That would be cloudscome. She's reading Jo(e)'s blog again."
I love these conversations!
kate5kiwis: Oh, good catch. I am going to have to go change it now ... I can't stand to have those kind of mistakes in my writing.
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