Every time I go to the monastery on retreat, I return with a whole bag of beeswax candles. I've visited the sunny workshop where Brother Joking makes these candles, and I've walked with Brother Beekeeper to the bee hives, an untidy cluster of white boxes piled on the side of a hill. I love the smell of beeswax candles.
Last time I was at the monastery, I was pleased that the giftshop had little glass holders for votive candles. They fit in the palm of my hand, just the right size for the small candles that I sometimes burn when I am doing reiki. I bought several, along with a whole supply of beeswax votive candles. I like the simple design etched on the side, a chapel with a cross.
What has surprised me is how often teenagers or college students who come to the house will comment on these little glass candle holders. "They sell these at the monastery?" Blonde Niece asked the first time she saw them. I couldn't figure out why she was so surprised. It seems perfectly appropriate for a monastery gift shop to sell votive candle holders.
My daughter saw the glass candle holders the first morning she was home. I had washed a couple of them, and they were sitting on the kitchen table, where they caught the morning sunlight. She picked one up, looked at the design, and smiled. "The monastery is selling shotglasses now? Cool."
It's all a question of perspective ;-)
Oh, SO funny. Thanks for the smile this morning. :o)
That's a great picture.
Heh heh. This is a good one. I thought that too when I first saw the picture (which is awesome, by the way).
Hey, multi purpose is good, right?
My Nazarene cousin's wife never invited me back after I pointed out that her sherbet glasses were really champaign glasses.
I had no idea how badly that was going over at the time...
My first thought was, "Uh oh, another person lost cup privileges!"
Thanks for reminding me that I need to visit a monastery more often.
The beeswax is really awesome. I have been only once at monastery when my young days.
Yeah, the religious college I attended sold shotglasses in their bookstore... the price tag label said "toothpick holders." More suspiscious still were the glass "pencil holders," clearly intended by the manufacturers to be pilsners.
I thought they were juice glasses.
Haha. Great photo!
Really like the image. I also thought they were juice glasses.
Having worked at a Jesuit University, monks selling "shot glasses" would be somewhat appropriate.
LMAO! :)
Wonderful picture!
Too funny!
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