One of the nice things about having so many artists amongst my friends and family is that I end up going to cool art shows. This weekend, my friend Quilt Artist let us know that a booth of her fabric art would be displayed at a neighborhood art show, so Long Beautiful Hair, Reiki Woman, and I spent the morning walking around in the sunshine, looking at art.
Tents and booths were set up on the front lawns and paved driveways of the beautiful old houses in the hills near the university, a section of town famously populated by artists, writers, musicians, and aging hippies. We began at Quilt Artist's booth, helping her set up her work: gorgeous hanging quilts, framed fabric art, and beautifully designed cards, along with quilted potholders, purses, and pillows. I am used to looking at Quilt Artist's work – she will often show me her latest quilt when I am at her house – but it's always amazing to see so much of it gathered together. I know well how much time and creative energy all those colours and fabrics represented.
Most artists I know are avid gardeners, and many of the driveways we visited were surrounded by lush, front yard gardens, just bursting with colour. The coolest place was owned by a woman famous for her pottery. Her entire backyard was a carefully kept garden, complete with stone paths, a water lily pond, and a small fountain the gurgled and splashed. She had put up makeshift tables throughout the yard, and her pottery was displayed amongst the ferns and flowers. Reiki Woman, Long Beautiful Hair, and I just kept wandering through, overwhelmed by the both the garden and the artwork.
Finally, we had to leave. Family obligations tugged. Reiki Woman had to take her son to a friend's house, Long Beautiful Hair had to take her daughter to a softball game, and I was heading to a party for my mother-in-law's 80th birthday. We took a quick walk through park that features themost incredible rose garden and then stopped back to give Quilt Artist another round of hugs and compliments.
"It's nice to get together, even if it's just for a couple of hours," said Long Beautiful Hair, as we all parted to go our separate ways. "We have to steal time whenever we can."

Sounds like a perfect day. I have to admit I really love quilts. I'm a guy but there's something about wrapping up inside one, especially on a cold afternoon. Not that we are going to have any of those for a while.
Oh how I loved every piece of this post
What a wonderful way to spend the day. The ceramic pieces are just beautiful.
What beautiful pottery. Some day, if she doesn't mind, I'd love to see a photo of some of Quilt Artist's work. (or maybe one has already been posted that I just haven't seen).
Niobe: You can check out her website here.
Great photos and terrific friends. So jo(e).
How BEAUTIFUL... I love pottery. I would do just about anything for that Big Bowl.
I love the perspective on that first shot.
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