April 26, 2015

Lambing season

Sheep pastures

At least twice each year, I drive with a couple of friends to a Benedictine Monastery for a weekend retreat. In the winter, I enjoy sitting by the fire with my journal. In the fall, I take long walks with my camera, admiring the brilliant foliage. But my favourite time of the year at the monastery is the end of April, which is lambing season. The monks raise sheep, and every spring, the ewes give birth to adorable baby sheep.



Friko said...

lambing season is almost over and the fields are teeming with baby lambs bleating for their mamas.

Unfortunately those cute little babies are also being eaten round here. we eat lamb rather than mutton.

jo(e) said...

The ones at the monastery are bred for wool, rather than meat, so at least the babies I saw getting born won't get eaten. Unless a coyote or eagle gets them.

Sandy said...

So cute!