April 07, 2015

Tree frogs singing

We had a long winter this year. During the month of February, temperatures never rose about freezing. We got about ten feet of snow, which is absolutely normal, but without any thaws to melt the snow, it kept piling up. Snow plows pushed up tall white walls along the roadways.

March wasn't really much better than February this year. And April began as a pretty cold month. Last weekend, as I was busy making food for Easter dinner, I looked outside to see that it was snowing.

But tonight, just as I was beginning to wonder if warm weather would ever come, I heard the unmistakable sound of spring: the peepers! Over in the just-thawed pond, the little tree frogs are singing. Finally.


L said...

stupid facebook & instagram made me look for the "like" button after I finished reading the post! :-P It's pretty much an instinctive act right now. Sigh...

Glad to hear that Spring seems to be finally arriving in your corner of the world!

jo(e) said...

Ha! I know what you mean. Whenever I read a blog post, I look for the LIKE button now. We're all scattered about on so many different places on the internet now -- twitter, facebook, instagram, flickr ....

Cindy said...

Yay Spring!

Bev said...

Hurrah! I've been leaving the bedroom window open at night so I can wake up to the sound of tree frogs peeping. Yea spring!

Lorianne said...

Spring peepers always make me think of May Sarton. In one of her books (I think it was Plant Dreaming Deep), she describes her first winter in New Hampshire and how her neighbors warned her that winter in northern New England lasts FOREVER. They told her that just when you think you can't possibly tolerate another minute of winter, you'll hear the spring peepers, and you'll know the winter is over.

Thank goodness for spring peepers!

Tie-Dye Brother-in-law said...

Jeepers, creepers - wherever did they come from? :-)

nimiecat said...

It's forsythia for me. They finally bloomed last week in the DC area.

Amber said...

When do you usually hear them? I think you've mentioned the peepers every year on your blog. Would be interesting to see the pattern over the years.

Yay for spring!

jo(e) said...

And I've got journals that have dates in them from before the blog ....

We usually hear the peepers somewhere around March 25th or 26th so they were late this year. The latest I've ever heard them was April 10th.