I've put snow tires on my car. We've bought snowboarding passes. Last week, I pulled bags of winter clothing out of the cedar chest and tried to match up all the mittens and gloves. (I've gotten less picky about this over the years -- so long as each pair has a right and a left, they don't have to exactly match.) The warm socks are piled in a bin, ready to be worn. In a seasonal fit of binge-cleaning, I even tackled the garage, tossing junk and gathering recyclables and hanging the bikes from the ceiling. The snow shovels are on the front porch. The ice scrapers are in the cars. The firewood is stacked, ready to be carried into the living room, an armful at a time.
Wow. That's a lotta wood.
I've lived in L.A. almost all my life. I don't really understand the concept of winter.
Where did you get all of that firewood? When I was a kid my father would go up to Hick State in September or so and come back with a whole truckload of fuel for the winter.
I don't know if he bought it or cut it himself, though. Do you cut it from your forest?
Winter really is an event for you guys. Down here it's just meant putting on coats and hoodies, that and maybe cranking the heat to 70 or 70 degrees.
I meant to say 70 or 71 degrees, not 70 or 70.
I buy it from a neighbor -- a guy I went to high school with. He calls me every spring to see how much I need. Then and his Dad deliver it in their truck in August.
I think we're actually going to have a real winter this year in DC Metro. It's been years since I've carried a ice scraper in my car. Maybe time to go buy.
Wow! How much wood is that? We have a cord & I'm not sure it's enough. We have a fireplace upstairs & a wood stove downstairs.
Actually, if it stays warm like this, it may be more than enough.
It's been very cold here in the past few weeks, but fortunately we've had little snow so far. We live in the East Midlands of the UK ... a warmer and drier part of the country. I've never had to use snow tyres, and log fires tend to be found in country pubs and in stately homes.
I can't find my snow scrapers. I wonder if I should buy some new ones or if they'll turn up before it snows a lot. I'm starting to knit mittens again.
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