September 26, 2012

Another fall adventure

I'm heading off this morning to an academic conference in a city famous mostly for beer. I'll be arriving to the conference via ferryboat because Artist Friend convinced me that would be the cool way to travel. I'm not taking my laptop, but I'll have my camera with me so I'll try my hardest to coerce at least one friend into posing naked for me.


Nels P. Highberg said...

Huh. For the first time, I have no idea what city you're talking about.

Sass said...

Hooray for nakedness!

(Seriously - nakedness rules)


Jules said...

Hm. I live in the suburbs of a city that is mostly known for beer. Wonder if it is the same one. In any case, I'm keeping my clothes on! :)

jo(e) said...

Nels and Jules: I was in Milwaukee for the SLSA conference.

Jules said...

Yep. Figured. That's why I kept my clothes on, but I would have LOVED to have met you. :(

jo(e) said...

Jules: Darn. I wish I had figured out the connection ahead of time. We could have had a meet-up!

Jules said...

Darn, indeed! I thought I had left so many clues on my former blog (the one with "cheese" in the title) that you would know.