September 01, 2005

Another waterfall quiz

Well, Scrivener thought the last waterfall quiz was too easy, and Rob said I needed to stand blurrilier. So here's another waterfall photo, this one with five people and two waterfalls. Notice that the waterfall on the right is almost horizontal, water shooting straight out at us with all kinds of energy. Isn't that cool?

Now guess which person is me.


Nels P. Highberg said...

I think I know, but since I do know what you look like, I better keep quiet and let others truly guess. Besides, I might be wrong!

Anonymous said...

2nd from the left?

Pink Cupcake said...

I'd also go for second from the left. Such a great photo - makes me want to be there...

Rob Helpy-Chalk said...

You are the person dead center with the red shirt. My reasons?

1. It looks like the same red shirt you were wearing in the previous photo. You probably didn't take that many shirts with you anyway.

2. It looks like you are making good on the request to stand blurrilier.

The only alternative is the person second to the left. On the right, we just have guys and the far left doesn't look like what I know of you.

Is it ok if I notice that the person on the far left has really buff thighs?

jo(e) said...

Wow, Rob, you are really good at this.

I thought the photo would fool people because the woman who is second from the left is about my size and has hair like mine.

But yeah, you are right. I'm in the middle, wearing the same red shirt that I wore just about every day, getting drenched in both waterfalls at once.

Should I take it as an insult that you don't think I could possibly be the person with the really buff thighs?

Rob Helpy-Chalk said...

Should I take it as an insult that you don't think I could possibly be the person with the really buff thighs?

No no. It was her hair and nose that didn't look right. (I have also seen one not very good picture of you that is not from this blog.)

Her arms look buff too. Does she have a bloggy pseudonym?

Running2Ks said...

Clearly it is the beautiful and skinny one!

Yankee, Transferred said...

Another great photo.

jo(e) said...

BeautifulFrenchWoman was really buff and tan and beautiful. She had a great voice too.

In fact most of the people on this trip were pretty buff. The boatmen were in amazing shape. I was the only forty-somethiing mother-of-four in the group ....

halloweenlover said...

Awww, I missed the opportunity to guess. Great waterfalls though, I love the one that shoots out sideways.

Scrivener said...

I know, I'm slow. But my internet was down yesterday. I was just coming along to say, "How hard could this be when you're wearing the same shirt?" But Rob beat me to it, of course.

the Robot Vegetable said...

I give up - what waterfall is it?

jo(e) said...

This waterfall is the one at Clear Creek.

Anonymous said...

what does buff mean? in this context I mean!

fab photo made me want to be there, which holiday photos don't usually do for me!