September 19, 2005

Not in the mood

Ten Things More Appealing Right Now Than Grading Papers

1. Mopping the kitchen floor.
2. Testing smoke detectors.
3. Filing rejection letters.
4. Reading depressing stories in the newspaper.
5. Cleaning the garage.
6. Picking the lint off my fleece jacket.
7. Talking to telemarketers.
8. Emptying the pencil sharpener.
9. Trying to straighten out a tangled slinky.
10. Changing the cat litter.


Yankee, Transferred said...

Do I hear "paying bills"? That's when you know things are really distasteful!

Liz Miller said...

Or what about scrubbing grout? Or cleaning and defrosting the fridge and freezer?

Phantom Scribbler said...

Lint-picking. Procrastination method of choice!

Anonymous said...

I like the testing smoke detectors.. have often wanted to do that !!! lol

lucy tartan said...

or, as my grandpa used to say, "picking fly shit out of pepper"..

Jules said...

I'm procrastinating myself right now. I'm blogging instead of sending out review forms to the staff at church!
Woo hoo!

Oh, and the fly sh*t and pepper one? Gross! :-)

Anonymous said...

Laundry ? Brushing a collie ? Cleaning a messy 7 year old's room ?

Running2Ks said...

No, not telemarketers, Nooooooo!

Rana said...

*giggling madly*

BrightStar (B*) said...

My sister is not a telemarketer, but she has to talk to a lot of people on the phone for her job. She takes information when people call into an auto insurance company to make a claim. She's always surprised how often the clients try to chat her up at the end of the phone call, so I'll have to tell her that maybe they're just avoiding grading papers. :)

Anonymous said...

I want you to know, jo(e), that I am currently avoiding a stack of papers at my elbow ... using a visit to your wonderful blog as an excuse to put off the grading a little bit longer ...

Anonymous said...

I also clean the house (or at least organize my papers) to take my mind off work.

And I'm one of those very few people who don't read the news much...because it's too depressing sometimes.

Anonymous said...

cleaning the oven. my oven's going to be very clean by the end of this week.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

LOL--yup, reading and posting.

a quick escape from the real work!

Cleaning the toilet?

Sorting piles of old mail?