February 02, 2009

Beneath the chairlift


The ski patrol are easy to spot, even from a distance, because they wear red jackets with white crosses on the back. They use red toboggans to carry injured skiers or boarders down the slope. Whenever I’m in the chairlift and see the ski patrol pulling a toboggan or kneeling on the ground, their skis stuck upright in the snow, I lean as far as I can to see if I can catch a glimpse of the coat or hat, anything that could identify the person whose been hurt.

“It’s not one of us,” With-a-Why will say. “It’s a yellow coat.”

I can breathe then, even as I say a prayer that whoever got injured is not hurt badly, that it’s something that will heal quickly.


Anonymous said...

It's a scary old business - i was going to say ski-ing but I guess any snow sports. I've never been - I don't think my terrible sense of balance would be a good thing on the slopes!

YourFireAnt said...

Nice all these skiing shots, especially the one with skis and shadows mixed in such an interesting way that I keep going back to look [two or three posts ago].


p.s. How's the book coming? ;-D

jo(e) said...

FA:Thanks. It's frustrating to have to use the little point-and-shoot camera on the chairlift because I can't really get any action shots. That's why the people in the photos are always standing still.

I've got three random chapters done, and I'm working on a fourth. I think I'll be looking for some feedback soon if you'd like to read the chapters.

YourFireAnt said...

I'd be happy to. Hand 'em over.


Rana said...

Man, it seems like everybody I know is birthing a book right now. *laughs*